Our service

Our next-gen hiring tool finds talent efficiently among the masses by automatically capturing real-time candidate data. We analyse applicant’s way of thinking, how they work with others and their attitude when facing a challenge. We also capture their true technical abilities in a timed environment.

Our software package seamlessly integrates into existing recruiting process and adapts to each company’s needs. We reduce the number of stages required to make  a confident recruitment decision offering real data in real time

Step 1

Companies set a challenge for their applicants to solve

Companies that incorporate Mentis to their recruitment process assign a challenge to their job opening. We support companies in crafting a suitable challenge, open enough to allow candidates to tackle it in their own way, but constrained to the time limit and job requirements

Step 2

Applicants are randomly paired and tackle the challenge together in 90 minutes

Applicants receive a time slot to join a virtual meeting on our platform, where they are paired with another candidate to complete the assessment in 90 minutes. They are free to use any resource available to them and submit their idea in any format they see fit.

Step 3

Our tech automatically generates a CM for each applicant

During the challenge our technology captures individual candidate data. The transcript is then analysed, extracting candidate’s thinking process, soft skills and attitude.

Step 4

Each applicant receives feedback on their performance

At the end of the challenge, the Mentis shows each candidate their generated CM and gives them feedback based on their performance. For example, it may highlight poor conflict resolution and offer tips for dealing with disagreement constructively.

Step 5

Companies review the CMs to make an informed and confident decision

Mentis uses AI to give an accurately summarised reflection of each candidate’s performance during the challenge. However, companies are still the decision makers, and the CM is just a tool to make decision making more efficient.








Features of the CM

1. Background Information

This section includes basic candidate information such as their education, previous internships and any international experiences. This is the key information that is normally extracted from CVs.

2. Idea Executive Summary

The executive summary is their submission to the challenge, which is identical for both team members and shows what they produced in 90min.

3. Communication Analysis

Teamwork: did they create a positive team environment? were they willing to explore new approaches? were they respectful?

Interpersonal: do they have good persuasion and negotiation skills? were they enthusiastic and passionate? were they able to delegate?

Thinking: are they detail-oriented? did they follow a big-picture approach? are they resourceful?are they empathetic?

4. Deliverables

This section is optional and gives the teams the opportunity of attaching any deliverables to enrich their challenge submission. Examples include graphics, code scripts, videos, presentations, prototypes or visual mockups.

5. Highlighted Thoughts

Our tool captures original thoughts said by each candidate throughout the challenge.

6. Thinking Process

The CM displays a map that captures candidate’s chronological steps in the project and their reasoning behind their decisions. It also highlights any tools or software that they used.

7. Emotional Analysis

this section includes basic candidate information such as their education, previous internships and any international experiences. This is the key information that is normally extracted from CVs.

Download our CM guide for recruiters

With this ‘hackathon’ format I feel I was able to better show my strengths (and maybe weaknesses!), better than classic hiring methods than can be repetitive and boring

Oscar Zhou

A very smart and fun way to show the employer your skills/abilities. Very dynamic and interactive and super fun.

Carson Proctor

In normal interviews or assessment centres I feel that many times you cannot be you because you are very nrevous. During this challenge I wasn’t nervous at all, especially due to the fact that you’re interacting with someone else. It’s a great idea.

Jaime Carrillo

I feel good and excited, I feel I was able to demonstrate my skills in UI design and planning.

Hal Feng

It was fun! It was challenging but I think it was a good way to get us to apply our skills in a meaningful way.

Chris Liu

Really interesting and fun!

Zihan Zhang